
Hello my name is Francesca. I’m a doctor who for the past year now lives in Essex (!) now having lived in London for all of my life. I’ve been blogging for a number of years now but I’m still not quite certain why I do it! I think part of it is a need to share my pictures of food with words wrapped around them, part of it is an outlet for the daily stresses of life and work, and part of it is it it’s just fun. I just really enjoy writing. When I was nine I promised myself that I would write a book by the time I was fifteen, this hasn’t happened yet. In the interim I have written many short stories (unpublished and stashed away in plastic folders), I have started multiple blogs and I have been the recipient of multiple awards (I was really surprised about that). The book will come.

Writing short blog posts on the weekends and when I am on annual leave, seems to be just manageable for now. At the moment, I am wildly interested in food, at least the food that I cook and eat. If I’m pleased with my culinary creations, you’ll hear about it. However, the blog is not limited to food. I work as a doctor in the NHS, which is a book in itself (hey, that’s an idea!) and I will occasionally share my musings on what it is like to work in the current climate (views, purely my own of course). If I make the effort to go somewhere or do something interesting you’ll hear about it, and if your’re lucky there will be pictures too (photography is my other great love).

Maybe this is all practice for the book that I know is within me. Who knows. I will keep tapping, joyfully away at my keyboard for has long as I can.

I hope you enjoy my musings on life and work, don’t be afraid to write to me, I’m always interested in your views and experiences.

Thank you
